(Exodus 20, Joshua 23 and Deuteronomy 28) Ex. 20:3
You shall have no other gods before or besides me. You shall not make yourself any graven image (cupids are graven images)--to worship it--, or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. Exodus 20:6. But showing mercy and steadfast love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. Rom. 11:22 Parallels Ex. 20:5-6.

John 14:15 Proof of real love is keeping commandments.

John 15:12 Two commandments.

Ex. 20:3-6 Love God.

Ex. 20:7-17 Love fellow man.

Matt. 18:5-6 Speaks of dangerous relationship we have to God if we offend one of His children.

Valentine's Day came about this way.

As far back as 296 B.C. according to World Book Encyclopedia, there was worship of the god Pan, also called Faunus and Lupercus. The rites were centered at Lupercal, a cave in the Palatine Hill. Priests sacrificed goats and cut their skins into strips for lashes. Then they ran around the Palatine Hill striking all the women they met. These ceremonies also involved purification through sacrifice of a dog. (Aren't Christians purified by the blood of JESUS?) In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius changed this ceremonial rite from February 15 to February 14 and called it St. Valentine's Day instead.

Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910 Edition, reports that in 296 B.C. a bronze she-wolf was placed in the cave of Lupercus. Faunus, also called Lupercus, institution is attributed either to Arcadian Evander or to Romulus and Remus. The festival began with a sacrifice by the Luperic priest of goats and a dog. After the sacrifice, two priests were led to the altar and their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife. The blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk. Then the ritual required that two young men should laugh. (I wonder at what--perhaps God?) The smearing of blood on the forehead probably refers to human sacrifice originally practiced at the festival. The sacrificial feast followed; after which the Luperic cut throngs from the skins of the victims and ran in two bands around the walls of the old Palatine City striking people who were near. The throngs were called februa, the festival Februatio, the day Fabruare to purify. The festival survived until 496 A.D. when it was changed by Pope Gelasius into the Feast of Purification. World Book Encyclopedia says Cupid (cupido = desire) is the Latin name for god of sexual love (Eros). Encyclopedia Britannica says Kamadeva in Hindu mythology is the god of love. He is variously stated to have been the child of Brahma or Dharma. Later Kama simply became the Hindu Cupid. While attempting to lure Siva to sin, he was destroyed by a fiery glance of the goddess' third eye. Kama's wife Rati (voluptuousness) mourned him so greatly that Siva relented and he was reborn as the child of Krishna and Rukmini. The babe was called Pradyumma (Cupid). He is represented armed with a bow of sugar cane strung with bees. Its five arrows are tipped with flowers which overcome the five senses. A fish adorns his flag and he rides a parrot or sparrow--emblematic of lubricity (lasciviousness, lewdness, lechery, instability and trickiness).

Britannica says Eros or Cupid is the god of sexual passion, son of Aphrodite and Zeus. Chief gods associated with Eros and Pathos are Himeros (longing and desire), and Peitho (persuasion). Athenians changed him from goat man to fat youth with bow and arrow. World Book in Pan-Greek mythology says Cupid is son of Hermes and one of the daughters of Dryaps (Oak Man), or of Zeus and the nymph Callis to, god of shepherds, flocks and forests. He is said to be born with horns, a goat's beard, feet and tail, and covered completely with hair. Hermes took him to Olympus where he became a favorite of Dionysus. His appearance struck terror in hearts of men, hence the expression "panic fear". Associated with Panisci are a number of male and female forest imps, his wives and children who send evil dreams and apparitions to terrify mankind. His original home was Arcadia. His cult was introduced into Athens, at the time of the Battle of Marathon, when he promised his assistance against Persians if the Athenians would worship him.

The story of the pilot Thamus, who was sailing near the island of Paxi in the time of Tiberius, was commanded by a mighty voice to proclaim that "Pan is dead" is found in Plutarch.

This story coincides with the birth (or crucifixion of Christ). Reinach suggests that the words uttered by the voice was (Tammuz, Tammuz the all-great, is dead) and that it was merely a lament for the "great Tammuz or Adonis".

Deut. 32:16-17, I Cor.18-21. Compare these two scriptures and notice that God has not changed at all in his opinion of what constitutes devil worship. Ezekiel 8:14. Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the Lord's house, and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. (According to Ezekiel, the Spirit of God called this an abomination to God. He also called Tammuz an idol.) Jer. 7:16-18. God told Jeremiah not to pray for people of Judah because the children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods; they provoke me to anger!

According to "The Two Babylons", page 5, Semiramis is mother of gods; page 21, mother of Tammuz; and pages 62-63, Tammuz is Nimrod (see Gen. 10:8-11). When traced back, Valentine's Day is the worship of Semiramis and Tammuz-Nimrod.

Can you as a Christian promote this day or bring children under its curses?

II Cor. 6:14. Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers-do not make mismatched alliances with them, or come under a different yoke with them (inconsistent with your faith). For what partnership hath right living and right standing with God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light fellowship with darkness? II Cor. 6:15. What agreement (can there be between) a temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; even as God hath said, I will dwell in and with and among them, and will walk in and with and among them, and I will be their God and they shall be my people (see Ex. 25:8; 29:45, Lev. 26:12, Ezek. 37:27 and Jer.31:1). II Cor. 6:17. So come out from among them (unbelievers), and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not (any) unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor (see Isa. 52:11). II Cor. 6:18. And I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters says the Lord Almighty (see Hos. 1:10 and Isa. 43:6)

God showed me some years back that to serve a god meant to work and plan for him. That every time I spent time and money on this day, I worshiped these gods and denied JESUS.

How could I ask God to bless me when I have just risen up from idol worship (see Joshua 23:6-16 and 24:20)? I'd like to propose a few questions to you:

Since Nimrod worship is Baal worship, and Baal worship required child sacrifice, could it be possible that by serving gods like Lupercus, Baal and Saturn, we have brought the Biblical curses upon our families and our nation such as abortion, child abuse, homosexuality, unprovoked murders, financial loss, etc?

It seems that God really got upset at the Jews for worshiping other gods. Why would He not do the same with us? How can we as Christians encourage our children in satan worship with Valentine's Day activities? Could it be that we focus our children's minds on erotic ideas in the guise of sweetheart day? Then we wonder why they are promiscuous? It would seem to me that we are double minded (James 1:4-8). What can we expect to get from God? For those who say we can use old idol worship days, etc. and be all right with God, how do you explain Matt. 9:17, Mark 2:22 and Luke 5:37?

Break curses of idol worship, conception in lust, and those who call good evil and evil good. Ruler spirits are Rejection, Rebellion and Bitterness. (ALL THESE DEMONS SHOULD BE CAST OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS.)


Idol Worship, Hermes, Kama,
Abortion, Witchcraft, Adultery,
Brahma, Rock Music, Pan,
Bastards, Diorama, Unholy Sex,
Pining Away, Pain, Let Yourself Go,
Sorcery, Goats, Despondency,
Dryaps, Unholy Music, Dog,
Cheating, Zeus, Cain's Religion,
Sadism, Panic, Rainbow,
Fear, Patron Saints, Unbelief,
Romulus, Desire, Imp,
Sensuousness, Remiss, Seduction,
Evil Dreams, Despair, Zodiac Signs,
Murder, Kamadeva, Ahab,
Anti-Christ, Mockery, Krishna,
Druids, Fantasy Sex, Human Sacrifice,
Rukmini, Harlotry, Broken Hearted,
Erotic Love, Rape, Pradyumma,
Pierced Heart, Perverted Love, Eros,
Five Arrows, Lying, Voluptuousness,
Guilt, Lust, Olympic Dissatisfied,
Shame, Depression, Fantasy Lust,
Dionipus, Killing, Abortion,
Longing, Panic, Callisto,
Rati, Siva, Tammuz,
Dejected, Jezebel, Third Eye,
Semiramis, Nymphs, Rejection,
Bestiality, Jealousy, Envy,
Bitterness, Pierced Five Senses, Inferiority,
Lupus, Rebellion, Spirit of the Wolf




Dear Editor:

With Valentine's Day approaching, I was wondering if anyone knew the origin of this day we celebrate as a day of love.

Cupid (cupido) is the Latin name for god of sexual love (Eros). The arrow and the heart have sexual meanings and goes back to worshiping babylon gods.

Pagan Romans celebrated February 14th and 15th as an idolatrous, sensuous festival called Lupercalia, in honor of one called Lupercus, the hunter of wolves. Names of young women were put into a box and drawn out by men during this festival. The custom of exchanging Valentines arose from this name drawing.

These ceremonies involved purification through sacrifice of a dog. After the sacrifice, two priests were led to the altar and their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife. The sacrificial feast followed; after which Luperic priests cut throngs from the skins of the victims and ran in two bands striking the people. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius changed this ceremonial rite to February 14 and called it St. Valentine's Day to appease people who did not want to give it up.

Does this sound like love? Exodus 20:3 says, You shall have no other gods before or besides me. You shall not make yourself any graven image to worship it, or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. It's amazing that most of the major days we observe have pagan worship backgrounds. 

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