Earline and Linda Sutter are writing a book on curses. This lesson is an overview of curses. Glen Miller has given many scripture verses to build on. Many people are helped at the campmeetings. To me this is the purpose of the camp. If I didn't see results, I wouldn't come. See what you think about the following thoughts.

It is amazing to me how many areas of the Bible are not explored and taught or preached by the five-fold ministry. It seems like God shows us a never ending list of topics to teach and minister on that are not commonly or infrequently taught. Apparently most ministers choose areas of the Bible that they are comfortable with and will further their ministry. The areas that they are not comfortable with, or are controversial or unpopular, or might cause them to lose some of their congregation or offerings, they avoid like the plague. This may be an excuse before man but it is not an excuse before God and they will have to answer to Him in the Great Day of Judgement. Ministers and Christian Leaders - please think about standing before God and explaining why you did not teach certain areas of the Bible.

Another weakness is the minister that says that you have to keep it simple so that the baby Christians will understand. So, they teach the same thing over and over again. The baby Christians are continually fed milk and are never fed the meat of the Word of God. These Christians never grow up to be mature, strong Christians. Many of these baby Christians will fall away from Jesus Christ and go back out into the world. Can you see that the minister is doing his congregation a disservice?

It is clear that the Body of Christ needs the five-fold ministry which consists of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Many pastors would like to make it a four-fold ministry and eliminate the teachers. They say that the pastor is the pastor-teacher and there is no separate teaching ministry. If this is true, then why don't they teach the whole Word of God and not just a part of it? We need teachers who expound the whole Bible in a systematic manner so that the Body of Christ can have a working knowledge of the Bible and put it into practice.

There is a clear difference between preaching and teaching. Preaching is for the moment to stir people up and get them to make decisions in their lives; they walk out of church and usually quickly forget the message. Teaching is for the future to get people to remember the message and apply it to their lives. Teaching gives them a sound foundation to build on and then gives them the structure to build on the foundation.

There are many weaknesses in the church today which cause the Body of Christ to be in a weakened condition. We can not live on emotionalism for long; it makes you feel good for the service but it won't last when the trials of living in this world come to us. We need to have the solid foundation of the Bible to support us in trials and tribulations. It is nice to feel emotional about our salvation; we are not saved by feelings but by our belief in the Word of God.

Another weakness is catering to our fleshly desires. For example, the desire to have possessions. I Tim. 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Teaching the congregation to look to God for blessings and possessions rather than what they can do for God. In other words, praying the give me and mine, my family of four and no more, selfish type of prayer. Do you agree or disagree with these thoughts?


There is a lot in the Bible that deals with how to bless others and how to be blessed. This is the balance to cursing others and being cursed. We hear a lot taught about God blessing you but not much taught about how you can bless others in thought, word and deed. The emphasis is on what God will do for you without you having to do anything. Christianity is not a free lunch and we are not on welfare. To be an effective Christian requires considerable effort.

There are no blessings in the Bible that are unconditional. For every blessing there is a condition that you must fulfill before you receive the blessing. In other words, this is the "if" you see so often in the verses either stated directly or understood. Deut. 28:1-2 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt (shalt not) hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy god will set (not set) thee on high above all nations of the earth: and all these blessings shall (shall not) come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt (shalt not) hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. The reverse is true also; see the words in the parentheses.

A psychic prayer is any prayer that does not line up with the Word of God. If you pray contrary to the Bible, then you are praying not to God but to Satan. Satan then has the right before God to loose demons on the people that you prayed for as well as yourself. Psychic prayers is a good way to curse others and to be cursed in return.

There are two ways that we can curse another person: thought or speaking. We can pray a psychic prayer or we can speak against another person either in our thoughts or out loud. We need to be careful what we think and speak as well as what we do.

The words we think or speak go out into the air and they have power to do good or evil. Ecc. 10:20 Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. Could this be a demon spirit that God is talking about carrying your thoughts or words to the one that you are thinking or talking about?

The first curses that we can receive are those placed on us by our ancestors which include our parents. These curses come down the ancestral line and are transferred by familiar spirits that are familiar with our family ancestral sins.

The ancestral curses are started by our ancestors committing some sin against God that is mentioned in the Bible. God would not curse us without warning us beforehand. A good example is the curse of worshiping other gods. Deut. 5:7-9 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. If our ancestors worshipped other gods in the manner described in these verses, then they cursed their descendents to the third and fourth generation. We are innocent and committed no sin but we still are cursed because of what those did who were in authority over us. However, it is not hopeless, God gave us a way to break the curses on us and our descendents.

The parents can curse the child in the womb, after the child is born and until it dies. This is frightening when you think about the consequences of your actions on your children.

Common examples of cursing the child in the womb include conceiving the child in lust, not wanting the child when it is conceived, and failing in an abortion attempt.

Common examples of cursing the child after it is born include rejecting the child in some manner such as wanting a boy when a girl is born and not quickly changing their minds, cursing the child in thought or words, mistreating the child mentally, physically, spiritually or materially such as physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

You can be cursed by others other than your ancestors. These include those in the grip of the Devil: Satan worshipers, witches and warlocks, covens, fortune tellers and anyone practicing witchcraft. They include those in Christianity who would speak against you and pray psychic prayers for you.

How can you be cursed by these people? Prov. 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. There must be a cause for the curse to land. We have not seen anyone that lives a blameless, sinless, perfect life according to the whole Word of God. All you have to do is to read or listen to the Bible and see if you fulfill its provisions 100%. It is very sobering to see how far you miss the target that God set for us to aim at. We will never be perfect until Jesus Christ finishes the task in the hereafter.

Other than being cursed by others, you can curse yourself. You can do this by sinning against God. For example, say that you conceived a bastard before marriage. It does not matter that you then get married; the damage has already been done. Deut. 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord. What you and your girl friend did was to sin by committing fornication, a sin listed in the Bible. Both of you cursed yourselves and ten generations of your descendents with the curse of the bastard. This familiar spirits will work to cause family and church alienation, and a perpetuation of bastards generation after generation.

You can sin against your own body. I Cor. 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. This is the only sin that you do that sins against your body and brings curses directly against you. This sin can lead to Hell (spiritual death), physical diseases (physical death or living torment), and many problems in your life (death of marriage, etc.).

When you curse yourself, you also curse your descendents. I know of no one-generation curse; they are multiple-generation curses. We have discussed the curse of the bastard and the curse of worshiping other gods; these carry a ten, and a three to four generation curse respectively.

Where do curses come from? They come from God and are carried out by Satan with permission from God. Curses can be found listed in the Bible. Satan can not fabricate curses to place on you the way he fabricates lies. Deut. 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee.

Let's look at where curses come from and where they go: remember that all curses originate with God. Curses can come to you from your ancestors or those who are not your ancestors. You can curse yourself. Curses can go out from you to your descendents or to others not your descendents.

There are probably sixty-six curses that can be easily identified in the Bible by simply looking up the word curse as well as the words cursed and and cursing. Most of the curses are not so easily identified but must be discovered by studying the Bible and practicing deliverance. We believe that there is a curse associated with every verse in the Bible that you disobey. Deuteronomy 28 is a chapter of the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. Compare Deut. 28:1-2 (blessings) with 28:15 (curses). Notice the little word "all" and the five times it is used. The corollary to the analogy of all blessings or all curses is that in between all and none are some blessings and some curses. You can be all blessed or all cursed or partially blessed and partially cursed.

God sends demons and evil on people for disobedience of His Commandments. The following are paraphrases of verses about this subject. He will put a yoke of iron on your neck. Sickness can be caused by demons. God sends evil spirits to do some of His missions. God allowed Satan to prove Job. The deceived and the deceiver are His. He created evil and the waster to destroy. He has deceived and sent strong delusions. He sent a messenger in the flesh. Isa. 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

These actions by God cause many things to happen to people: sickness, cruelty, lying, seduction, death, deceit, troubling, confusion, lethargy, misery, destruction, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, badness, adversity, affliction, calamity, displeasure, distress, grief, harm, hurt, mischief, sadness, trouble, vex, wretchedness, wrong, perishing, decay, ruin, corruptness, destroying, falling, deluded, allured, enticed, persuaded, slumber, stupor, hardening, deceit, error, etc.

There are two free booklets on the back table, The Curse of Ahab, and The Curse of Jezebel. Pickup a copy for each of you and also get a copy of our testimony, From Death Into Real Life. It took us four years to write our testimony after our only son, Byron, died at twelve years old.

We did not write these two booklets but only print them and give them away free to help people. We have seen the teaching, ministry and counseling about Ahab men and Jezebel women help many people. You can trace these curses back to Adam and Eve in the Garden when they fell from the Grace of God into sin. Read these booklets and see how many problems of mankind are caused by these characteristics of men and women.

Queen Jezebel was a prime example of controlling others. A Jezebelic wife and mother is actually practicing witchcraft as she tries to control her family. Charismatic witches use personal prophecy to control others. Charismatic witches are Jezebels.

Another aspect of Ahab and Jezebel is Charismatic Witchcraft. Witchcraft is the practice of trying to control others for personal gain. Charismatic witchcraft is exercising control over other Christians by leaders or by anyone within the congregation. A lot can be written about this subject. There are many demons associated with control of others. This practice is basically mind control.

Soul ties are formed with those to whom we submit our wills. Soul ties can be formed with leaders of the church as well as with anyone in the occult that we go to for help. A dictatorial pastor will form soul ties with his congregation. The church leaders are cursed by trying to take the place of God in our lives. The congregation is cursed for following man rather than God.

We have no right to control others! God gave us a free will and even He will not try to control us! Therefore, we enter into agreement with Satan and his demons when we attempt to control others, and we are practicing witchcraft!

We understand that thousands of these booklets have been mailed out. We believe that probably everyone has the curse of the bastard and the curse of incest on them if they have not forgiven their ancestors and broken the curse off of them and their descendents.

There are histories about two families and their descendents in the booklet. These stories clearly show the effects of the sins of the ancestors and how the descendents are cursed for generations. You can see the pattern repeating generation after generation.

Indian curses come from the Indians worshiping idols in their worship services and Indian rites practiced by the tribes. These curses come from worshiping other gods and practicing the occult.

Earline had Cherokee Indian ancestors on both sides of her family within three generations. Because of these curses, her family had heart trouble and many men died therefrom. Earline, as a woman, even had heart trouble.

The following is her testimony: "I had a heart condition which was unusual. It never occurred with regularity nor under any specific condition. While taking a tread mill test, I experienced tremendous pain in the chest, arms and neck. Having been examined by a 'heart specialist' in Minneapolis, who told me that my heart was good but he had written 'death by heart attack' on many people's certificates like myself. These were people who didn't really have anything wrong with their hearts.

A year or so after my dad's death I found my heart acting up again. Sometimes one to five years would elapse between seizures. I began to ask God to show me why my brothers, dad, dad's brothers and his dad all had heart problems.

He showed me Ezekiel 18 & Exodus 20. He told me to repent for my ancestors and myself for the sin of idol worship in Leviticus 26:40-41. The curse of idol worship follows the blood line. I did these things and have been free since then. I was only the second generation from previous generations that sinned before God."

Eze. 18:14-18, We can recover from the sin of our ancestor. Eze. 20:1-6, These are the ten commandments which show the generational curse. Notice that God will show mercy when we repent. Lev. 26:36-42, God promises to remember those that repent.

Deut. 7:26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house lest thou be a cursed thing like it; but thou shalt utterly abhor it for it is a cursed thing. If you have cursed objects on your body or in your possessions that your carry around, or that are in your home, then your are cursed by God. You have invited the demons to attack you and the people that live in your home.

My favorite example is pierced ears which is a sign of slavery in the Bible. Jesus Christ wants us to live a simple life without religious objects or graven images. I want the men to take off all religious objects. I want the women to take off all jewelry except for wedding rings and watches. This will help in the deliverance to get rid of the demons.

Therefore, be very careful how you think, pray, speak and act. Study your Bible to find out how God thinks and acts so that you can think, speak, pray and act in accordance with His Will. Also study to see how you should bless, rather than curse, others as well as yourself and your family.

Obey and be blessed - disobey and be cursed! It's your choice. You will be blessed in proportion to the amount of the Bible you follow and cursed in proportion to the amount of the Bible you do not follow. We are told to keep all the words of the Holy Bible.

Periodically, Earline and I have to break the curses that are placed against us and our ministry. You can feel the spiritual pressure building up and it is necessary to go to spiritual war. We forgive those who knowingly or unknowingly are praying or speaking against us, break any curses or soul ties, send the demons back to those who sent them, and pray that their eyes will be opened.

Father, we want to bless others and be blessed rather than to curse other and be cursed. Please make us a blessing and take away the curse. We will get rid of cursed objects in our possession. We ask that you, other people and our descendents forgive us for anything we have done to bring the curse. We forgive our ancestors and everyone else that have placed curses on us. Please forgive all these people for psychic prayers, spoken curses, ancestral curses, parental curses, cursing by others, cursing ourselves, cursing our descendents, disobedience, Ahab and Jezebel, charismatic witchcraft, conceiving bastards, having incest, Indian curses, and any other curse known or unknown that is found in the Holy Word of God.

I now break any curses placed on me or my descendants from uttering a wish of evil against one; to imprecate evil, to call for mischief or injury to fall upon; to execrate, to bring evil upon or to; to blast, vex, harass or torment with great calamities. I break the curses back to ten generations or even to Adam and Eve on both sides of my family, and destroy every legal hold and every legal ground that demons have to work in my life.

I break curses that follow in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mistreating God's Chosen People, Willing Deceivers,
Adultery, Harlotry, Prostitution, Disobedience to Bible,
Idolatry, Keeping Cursed Objects,
Refusing To Fight For God, House of Wicked,
Not Giving To Poor, Stealing,
Swearing Falsely By God, Failing To Give Glory to God,
Robbing God of Tithes, Dishonoring Parents,
Hearkening to Wives Rather Than God, Making Graven Images,
Cheating People Out of Property, Taking Advantage of Blind,
Oppressing Strangers, Widows,
Orphans, Bestiality,
Incest With Sister or Mother, Murder Secretly or For Hire,
Pride, Putting Trust In Man,
Doing The Work of God Deceitfully, Rewarding Evil For Good,
Abortion or Causing Unborn To Die, Having Bastards,
Murdering Indirectly, Striking Parents,
Kidnapping, Cursing Parents,
Not Preventing Death, Sacrificing to Gods,
Witchcraft, Turning Someone Away From God,
Following Horoscopes, Rebelling Against Pastors,
Losing Virginity Before Marriage, False Prophets,
Rape, Not Disciplining Children,
Teaching Rebellion Against God, Cursing Rulers,
Refusing To Warn Sinners, Defiling The Sabbath,
Sacrificing Humans, Seances and Fortune Telling,
Intercourse During Menstruation, Homosexuals and Lesbians,
Necromancers, Blaspheming Lord's Name,
Being Carnally Minded, Oral and Anal Sex,
Children Rebelling, Nonproductivity,
Fugitive and Vagabond, Improper Family Structure,
Destruction of Family Priesthood, Refusing To Do The Word of God,
Family Disorder, Failure and Poverty,
Any Sin Worthy of Death, Touching God's Anointed,
Perversion of Gospel, Loving Cursing,
Choosing That Which God Delights Not In, Looking To World For Help,
Stubbornness and Rebellion, Offending Children Believing Christ,
Adding To or Taking Away From Bible, Any Biblical Curse Not listed Above,


Call out the demons that come in through the curses also.

Pestilence, Idol Worship, Graven Images,
Consumption, Bastard, Pride,
Fever, Wicked Balances, Catholic Prayers,
Inflammation, Dislike/Hatred/Murder, Prince of Southern Curses,
Extreme Burning, Curse of the Law, Prince of Occult,
Blasting, Bless You Spirits, Witchcraft Curses,
Mildew, Incest, Voodoo Curses,
Botch of Egypt, Lesbians, Occult Curses,
Emerods, Necromancers, American Indian Curses,
Scab, Blaspheming, Charismatic Witchcraft,
Itch, Sodomy, Horoscopes,
Madness, Oral & Anal Sex, Rebellion,
Blindness, Slackness, False Prophets,
Astonishment of Heart, Deeper Teachings, Seances,
Plagues, Irish Shamrock Hex, Fortune Telling,
Sore Sicknesses, Fertility, Nonproductivity,
Diseases of Egypt, Deceiving, Personal Poverty,
Trembling of Heart, Adultery, Misrepresentation,
Failing of Eyes, Disobedience, Perversion of Judgment,
Sorrow of Mind, Cursed Objects, Doubt,
Broken Vows, Thievery, Homosexual,
Unicorn, False Swearing, Tulip,
Twelve Petal Rosette, The Distlefink, Your Lucky Stars,
Love & Romance, Eight Pointed Star, Friendship Hex,
Pentacle/Pentagram, Eastern Star, Hexagram,
Star of David, Mogen David, Cabalistic Magic Symbol,
White Magic, Masonic Symbols, Freemasonry,
Italian Horn, Leprechaun's Staff, Unicorn's Horn,
Egyptian Ankh, Egyptian Sun God RA, Zodiac,
Mexican Sun God, Buddhas, Crescent Moon & Star,
Cursing, Vexation, Rebuke,
Destroying, Perishing, Consuming,
Groping, Not Prosper, Oppressed,
Spoiled, Failure, Crushed,
Smite, Pursuing, Sore Botch of Knees,
Legs and Whole Body, Overtaking, Distress,
Plucked, Chastisement, Removed,
Not Healed, Astonishment, Proverb,
Byword, Want, Besiege,
Straitness, Evil, Emotionalism,
Love of Money, Psychic Prayers, Idol Worship,
Conceived in Lust, Abortion, Rejection,
Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse,
Bastard, Incest, Fornication,
Strife, Alienation, Sickness,
Deceit, Delusions, Cruelty,
Lying, Seduction, Death,
Troubling, Confusion, Lethargy,
Misery, Destruction, Ignorance,
Sorrow, Wickedness, Badness,
Adversity, Affliction, Calamity,
Displeasure, Distress, Grief,
Harm, Hurt, Mischief,
Sadness, Trouble, Vex,
Wretchedness, Wrong, Perishing,
Decay, Ruin, Corruptness,
Destroying, Falling, Deluded,
Allured, Enticed, Persuaded,
Slumber, Stupor, Hardening,
Error, Taking God's Glory, Following Man,
Witchcraft, Indian Spirits,   

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Tom and Donna Ministries, Clear Vision Revival